After more than 2 years...

1:48 PM

I often reflected and thought about writing again here about these random things that I wanted to express. I ignored those times a lot and now I have decided to do it. So.. what happened?

I got a new job, moved to another city, got married, and had a baby. All in less than three years. Wow! In a blink of an eye, I've got all the things that I dreamed of when I was younger. It was a bit funny because many years ago, there came a time when I told myself that I was no longer interested in settling down because I wanted to do a lot of things in my life like working overseas, traveling around the world, meeting new people, and a lot more! Welp! Little did I know, my soon-to-be-daughter at that time was probably laughing from heaven while saying "I'm coming in in a few years, mama! We'll do all those things with  you!" 😂

Looking back, I could say that I've left a lot of people behind. I left my city.. and I even left myself, my past self. I can remember what I was back then but I couldn't immerse myself in those times. I remember when I struggled with my first job, struggled with relationships, struggled with money, etc. I seldom asked for help because I didn't want to be a burden. I guess I am still the same but this time, I made some changes. I often tell myself to "let go and let God." 

Recently, my husband and I joined a fellowship for the couples. It's a group that consists of couples who support and encourage each other while getting to know and getting closer to God. Since we joined this fellowship, we are slowly letting God into our lives. Unlike before, we didn't really have a mutual relationship toward God. This might sound like a testimony but I am really grateful and we became a part of this fellowship. I hope I can write more about my new work and my family. We'll see.

'Til next time! 🫰

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